Crush Your Goals Challenge

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Ready to crush your goals?

Three week group coaching program on overcoming your fears and crushing your goals.

Sessions will be held on the following dates: January 14, 21, and 28 at 6 PM.

  • Week 1 (Jan. 14): F.E.A.R. – What is it?
  • Week 2 (Jan. 21): D.A.R.E. – How to overcome fear
  • Week 3 (Jan. 28): Q&A. – Hot seat coaching
Program Price: $47 


Presented by: Karolina LaBrecque, PhD., Help To Grow Institute

Karolina LaBrecque, PhD is a holistic behavioral consultant and life coach who specializes in assisting individuals ranging from teenagers to adults of all ages in reducing stress, reaching their full potential, and living more balanced lives.